1. * public health workers to eradicate the mosquito and its breeding places; * 公共卫生工作者来根除蚊子以及它们繁衍的地方;
2. Birth is much, but breeding is more. 出身重要,教养更重要。
3. But there's a vast difference between the breeding programs as practiced by some groups (where the urge to breed certain types of people leads to efforts to destroy other types) and the much more harmless forms already practiced in democratic societi 但是,某些团体实施的培育项目和在民主社会里已经实施的更为无害的培育方式,二者之间存在着天壤之别:前者为迫切地培育某类人而对其余的人进行毁灭,而后者,比如说律师,则是通过自由地选择与别的律师发生性关系得以实现。
4. We cancelled the party because I was ill. 我们取消了那次聚会,因为我病了。
5. When she was nineteen months old, she fell ill and had a fever. 她出生19个月后得了场病,发起高烧,
6. The stagnant water was a breeding ground for disease. 污浊的死水是疾病的孳生地。
7. The best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child needs teaching. 最好的马要驯,最伶俐的孩子要教。
8. They went from jeweller to jeweller, looking for a necklace like the other, both of them ill with misery. 为了找到一条相同的项链,他们跑遍了所有的珠宝店。两个人都苦恼极了。
9. Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine. 并不只是那些无知和没受过良好教育的人才迷信药瓶子。
10. He became mortally ill a few months before we had planned to go and. 在我们制订回国计划几个月之后,他患了致命的疾病.